If you’ve ever gotten a massage, you already know the physical and mental advantages of treating yourself to a body work session . For some people, the occasional massage can suffice as a solution for stress. However, many clients find that they need to attend regular sessions in order to reap the maximum benefits. But just how often should you be getting a massage? Read on to find out.
Evaluate Your Condition
The number of massages you should be getting depends largely on your overall physical condition and health. If you have mild stress from work, you may only need to see your massage therapist every two to three weeks. However, if you suffer from severe tension or chronic pain, you may need to receive a massage at least once a week to see optimal results. Clients with deep-seated physical tension or intense stress can even choose to receive a massage twice a week. Once you have determined the intricacies of your condition, you can begin to plan the best treatment schedule for your needs.
Listen to Your Body
Your body is one of the most accurate tools for determining the frequency of massages. Pay attention to how you feel after multiple sessions. If you are attending biweekly treatments without feeling better, your body may be telling you to get massages more often. On the other hand, if your biweekly sessions are making your body feel sore and fatigued, it may be best to go down to one massage every three weeks. Only you can know how your body is feeling, so it’s important to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
Talk to Your Therapist
Your massage therapist is uniquely qualified to advise you on the best treatment plan for your specific condition. If you’re unsure of the best course of action, your massage therapist can help you decide what to do. Take advantage of their knowledge and skill set to get the most out of your massage treatments.
Reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being with professional massage sessions at one of our Rubs Massage Studio locations in Tucson. To schedule an appointment, call one of our locations or book your session online here .